Digital transformation to boost the regionsā€™ performance
and sustainable developmentĀ 

To maintain their appeal and underpin their sustainable development, urban and regional areas have to overcome digital transformation challenges that affect all of their roles and responsibilities. The regions are forced to rethink the digital services that they offer in light of the reconstruction and merging of local authorities, which has an enormous impact on how they are organised, the exponential development of digital technology and the hold of technological innovations on daily life. 

SITS, thanks to its proximity to leading major companies in this market (energy, transport, etc.) and its expertise in key Smart City sectors, is a preferred partner during the regional transformation process. Our know-how lets us stand at the heart of the synergies that exist between all stakeholders, both private and public, in this ecosystem.

The transformation process must involve users and become part of their DNA to ensure the digital impression of this initiative remains visible in their habits over time.

SITS applies its expertise to tackle the new challenges posed by Smart Cities

SITS offers a full range of services, including: consulting, systems integration, software solutions and managed services.

This range of services is based on four main subject areas:

  • energy management: Smart Homes, Smart Buildings, Smart Grids, participation in consortiums formed to build eco-neighbourhoods, etc.
  • urban mobility: traffic management and creation of transport plans, monitoring of equipment, traveller journey and information, mobile ticketing, NFC contactless payment, etc. 
  • citizen services: participative platforms, reviewing of public services and local retail outlets, Open Data, transformation of an information system into an open service-and-data platform, partnership with Fab Labs and Living Labs, etc.
  • economic development: strategic consulting and definition of a digital road map, situation analysis (state of the art, benchmark, audits), new business models, co-innovation, consultation with start-ups, etc.

SITS is also participating in the European Commission’s H2020 initiative through the FESTIVAL project, which brings together a number of cities and international organisations (Santander, CEA, University of Cantabria, Osaka University, Kyoto) and aims to design a smart-city testbed.